my carrd


i believe in the power of your intentions and how it impacts everything else

disclaimer: strictly selective with following (for tl reasons, do understand hehe)
BYF: can sometimes tweet too much or tweet too little.

READ! I'm never leaving PLtwt. Never. Sometimes I think that I'm pressured to come back but I always try to remind myself that this space should be a safe place. An escape with no requirement to be okay. I am always here, I'm just not as interactive and I hope I can do better in that part soon. My personal trials made me (no matter how long it took) justify this abeyance with a full heart and I hope you understand. :))

YES! books, mystery, project loki, music

NO! those that are ignorant to the truth

tunes! cry with you. autum's song, they just existmoots i adore! @crwley, @leloisvibrittan, @loreverie, @loreleisfx, @lhea_aaa, @pnlpqtmehue, @cierravantes